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How To Support A Writer
A while back I read an article written by Michelle Halket, the publisher behind Central Avenue Publishing about supporting writers.
She said:
“I look at what writers go through (or any creative, really), and think that looks more difficult than what I do. They pour their heart and soul into this creation and then let it go into the world where reviewers tear it apart, people pick at the smallest details, or sales just never materialize.”
And it’s true. I have received a lot of support, as well as plenty of dismissals. And yes, it is tough. It’s hard not to take things personally. Publishing what we write is vulnerable, it exposes our creativity, our talent, and who we are as people. It can be pretty nerve-racking.
In the article, Michelle Halket mentions supporting an author on their journey, by buying the book, reviewing the book, showing up for their events, asking them about their journey, and trying to help them out in other ways. And she explains the reasoning for all of this.
To read the full article, click here.
I also came across the above meme, shared by fantasy author S. G. Blaise, so I can recognize that it is a common feeling. What is wonderful about her post, is that she details efforts that can be done for free.
If you have it in you, please support an author on their journey. It may cost nothing other than a bit of effort, maybe you do buy the book and spend a few dollars, but regardless of the support, however small, I can guarantee that it will mean the world to the writer orauthor.